Science Has Located Your Penis

Some scientists said it didn’t exist but thanks to advances in technology scientists may have found your penis. It’s microscopic size made it impossible to find until the launch of the James Webb Telescope. It’s exciting to see findings so quickly after deployment of a scientific tool.

“We’re excited that the James Webb Telescope has begun producing fantastic results on its first flyby. This was never possible before with instruments like Hubble and other optical telescopes. So far, JWST has spotted more than 100 microscopic penises.” Richard Flaps, spokesman for the penis discovery council.

Flaps added “It will take decades for JWST to complete all its missions, however our investigation has shown that people are already interested in penises and what they look like. Based on this, I predict that as soon as we put JWST up against anything, which we will do shortly, there will be another discovery on a microscopic scale of something that everyone is already interested in!”

Sorry we didn’t believe you when we accused you of being as smooth as a Ken doll. Now we understand. You must be proud of your super small dick. Our apologies.

Hope you enjoyed the article even if it is small! They say size doesn’t matter you know?